A 3-Step Approach

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(to live)

Step one: Learn and understand the systems within you. When you are designing something, you want to understand how the bits and pieces behind the final product work. Building and designing a day that works best for you is no different. I challenge you to learn and understand how your mind, your body, and yourself work. Featured post: How to have an efficient day?

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(your toolbox)

Step two: execute the roadmap you started to build on earlier. You know how your brain is wired or how to set a goal, so now you need the tools to set these practices in place. Find the books, worksheets, podcasts, and more and add them to your toolbox.

Current favorite.




(your harsha)

Step three: the one everyone forgets. You can have a complete roadmap with every tool you might need and then realize you have no way of measuring results or ensuring completion. Finding your Harsha will teach you about all the accountability systems that could work for you and different metrics/reflections to understand what may or may not be working. Featured post: why accountability matters?